Beebe, Webber and Company, Woolen Manufactureres, Holyoke.
The Massasoit Paper Company.
No corporation in the city has a better reputation than the Massasoit Paper Company. It was organized in 1853, and built its first mill in Huntington under the name of the Greenleaf & Taylor Company, and did not change its title until shortly before removal to this city, in 1872, when the capital-stock was increased to $300,000.
The mills are sufficiently described in the very handsome engraving at the bottom of this page, though it may be said that the business has grown considerably within a few years, from a ton and a half to five tons product per day of the very finest lot-dried papers, at the present time. No pains are spared to have the production as near perfect as possible, and the mill runs on orders exclusively shipping to the trade in all the great paper-distributing centers.
The officers of the company are: E.C. Rogers, president, and C.B. Wells, secretary and superintendent. Mr. Rogers is a resident of Springfield, a director of the John Hancock national bank and the Electric Light Company of that city. Doubtless as much could be said for many of the paper-making corporations of Holyoke, but the Massasoit company has a specially strong reputation for the superior class of workmen it employs and the liberal treatment they receive from their employers — and this all redounds eventually to the benefit of the customers.
Mills of the Massasoit Paper Company, Holyoke.
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