Mill and Mansion

Mill Girls and Strangers

National Blank Book Company.

        The National Blank Book Company occupies two and a half floor of the Holyoke Water Power company’s Cabot street mill, as represented in the above engraving. The present officers are: Wm. Whiting, president, and F.B. Towne, treasurer, and the latter has general charge of the business. The company has a store at 76 Duane street, New York, and does a large business throughout the United States, in ledgers, blank books and memorandums. In connection with the above a job department is carried on and all kinds of special books are made to order. Correspondence is solicited.

Holyoke Envelope Company.

        This is the largest envelope manufactory in the world, having a product of 3,400,000 envelopes daily, and yet the company is the youngest prominent concern of the trade in the country, having been organized in 1880 and having begun the manufacture of envelopes in 1881. Being at the center of paper supply. the company has enjoyed exceptional facilities for accommodating its customers. It makes all its own boxes, ranging from the plainest envelope box to the richest and most elegant papeterie box, and all sizes of envelopes, of course, from the horse-car ticket envelope up to a No. 14, on self gumming machinery. The cheapest papeterie boxes are machine made, while those of silk, and the finer grades are hand made.
        The making of papeterie boxes requires care, and their variety is infinite, as everyone knows who has bought them. They are filled with elegant and excellent stationery, but their attraction generally lies in the boxes themselves. The Holyoke Envelope Company run at present several hundred different styles of papeteries and bring out a hundred or more entirely new styles every year.
        Fire brought a temporary interruption to the business of the company, January 22, 1888, while located on Cabot street, and the entire stock and plant were destroyed, at a loss of almost $200,000, but with an energy and enterprise which has told since in the further development of the business, the officers met the emergency so promptly that the interruption was but brief. The site for the present building was purchased within a week after the fire, and in the following July machinery was moved into the new edifice, which shows among the engravings on this page. It is a finely equipped establishment, 300 feet long, 80 feet wide, three stories high, and its officers’ quarters are sumptuous and elegant. Business men going to Holyoke will find it a convenient place to visit, as the electric cars from the depot run by the door.
        James T. Abbe of Springfield is president of the company and George N. Tyner of Holyoke treasurer, and their business success, as represented in this enterprise, is monumental among the manufacturing interests of Holyoke. The force of workmen consists of about 250 employes and the pay roll amounts to about $8,000 per month.

The Valley Paper Company.

This corporation manufactures loft-dried, bond, linen, ledger and writing papers, and its daily product is five tons. The officers are: J.S. McElwain, president; H.E. McElwain, treasurer, L.F. Hayward, secretary.

The National Blank Book Company, Holyoke
The National Blank Book Company, Holyoke.

Factory of the Holyoke Envelope Company
Factory of the Holyoke Envelope Company

The Valley Paper Company, Holyoke
The Valley Paper Company, Holyoke

Albion Paper Company, Holyoke
Albion Paper Company, Holyoke
Manufacturers of Envelope
and Animal-sized Flat Cap and Book Papers.

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