New Business Block of C.P. Lyman, Main Street, Holyoke.
C.P. Lyman
C.P. Lyman, whose soon to be handsome remodeled business block shows on this page, is an extensive dealer in stoves, ranges, furnaces, etc., at 129 and 141 Main street, Holyoke. The business was originally established by S.T. Lyman & Son, who were succeeded by the present proprietor in 1888.
From the very first the house has been a success, starting with only three men, but employing now twenty and sometimes more. Mr. Lyman keeps in stock a complete stock of stoves, ranges and furnaces, embodying all the latest styles and most popular patterns, together with a varied line of kitchen furnishing goods, tin and copper ware, etc. Plumbing and gas fitting in all its branches is a special feature of the business. He accomplished the best and most thorough work to be found in any locality, and with the completion of the new block he will be in better condition than ever to meet the increasing demands made upon him.
Works of C.H. Baush & Sons, Holyoke.
Post Radial Drill.
C.H. Baush & Sons.
Prominent among the machine manufacturing interests of the city of Holyoke is the firm of C.H. Baush & Sons, who have just completed, at a cost of $10,000, an addition to their works, making now in use about 24,000 square feet floor space and available for the development of their business. The building shows the above engraving. The firm consists of C.H. Baush, four sons and a daughter, a combination which ought to win success as it deserves to.
The business was organized in 1888, and the firm made all kinds of castings, but their specialty is machine tools.
The Post Radial Drill, shown herewith, is one of the most successful of their inventions and is made in various sizes, from 2,500 to 24,000 pounds.
Casper Ranger.
One of the best illustrations of Holyoke’s prosperity is Casper Ranger, the contractor and builder, and self-made man.
A native of Alsace he came to this country in about 1864, and was first foreman for Watson Ely, superintending the building of the Windsor Hotel, alterations in the old Holyoke House and the completion of the City Hall. He remained with Mr. Ely until about 1874, when he began a business for himself, which has constantly increased, until now, it covers the large premises on Appleton street as shown in the engraving.
Works of Casper Ranger, Holyoke.
Mr. Ranger has had a hand in much of the mill work in Holyoke. He built the Symns & Dudley mill and the Geo. R. Dickinson mill and has made extensive additions to the Lyman, Albion, Valley, both Whiting mills and the Beebe & Webber factory. He also built a large paper mill at Haverhill, is now building a monster cotton mill for the Hathaway Manufacturing Company at New Bedford, to cost $175,000, and next April expects to finish the new mill for the Riverside Paper Company of Holyoke.
Some triumphs of Mr. Ranger’s work on the best Holyoke residences may be seen in the fine work done on the establishment of Wm. Whiting, E.C. Taft, Wm. H. Brooks and William Skinner, to say nothing of his own elegant residence on Appleton street, which represents an outlay of about $15,000 and is furnished throughout with all modern improvements.
Since 1870, Mr. Ranger has greatly increased his buildings and yard room, and employs constantly sixty men, the number running up to 175 in the busy seasons.
Outside of the mill and residence building already mentioned, Mr. Ranger does a large business in selling lumber and supplying some house finishing of every description. Every variety of lumber is supplied and a large quantity of building material is carried in stock.
The Holyoke Democrat.
The Holyoke Democrat was established in 1886 by the Democratic Publishing Company, consisting of C.J. Bellamy and P.J. Kennedy. Six months later the latter bought out Mr. Bellamy’s interest. Two years ago The Democrat moved into its present commodious quarters, and gave a Christmas eve banquet to many leading citizens. It then put in a Goss perfecting press that will run 15,000 papers an hour, and now has the best newspaper office in Holyoke. The Democrat is known as one of the best penny papers in the country, outside the large cities, and is quite widely quoted. It is very closely identified with Holyoke’s interests, is remarkably enterprising, clean but lively in style, and prosperous. Its circulation is more than 4,000, and its advertising columns are crowded. The Republicans say it’s The Democrat that keeps Holyoke’s Democratic majority around 1,000. Its readers are very strongly attached to the Democrat.
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