John Tilley & Co.
John Tilley & Company are the oldest established firm in the furniture business in the city of Holyoke. The occupy the handsome block which shows in the above engraving, having been in this location for nearly five years. It stands on High street nearly opposite the city hall. The neighborhood is the business heart of the city and the store could hardly be more favorably situated. Before coming to the present building Mr. Tilley for sixteen years did business on Main street.
The new block was specially erected by Mr. Tilley for his business. It is about 50 x 100 feet and, including the basement, is five stories in height and throughout is a handsomely fitted up with all the attractions of house furnishing. On the first floor is displayed a fine assortment of desks suitable for offices and the home, bookcases, baby carriages, carpets, curtains, draperies and upholstering goods. On the second floor may be seen an elegant showing in parlor furniture of artistic design and superior workmanship. Particularly worthy of mention are the parlor suites, the couches and bed lounges, the old chairs in plush and satin with their varied and rich decoration, and the popular willow goods. The third floor is filled with bedroom sets and dining furniture and an interesting display of hall stands. The top floor is utilized as a storage place for mattresses, bedding and extra chamber sets. Here too are the workshops of the carpenter, upholsterer and finisher. In all departments are first-class workmen, and the goods are offered at prices that should keep trade at home. Customers have the privilege of purchasing for cash or easy installment payments. A large trade is given to the firm, extending to all parts of Holyoke and to towns neighboring within a radius of twenty-five miles.
The members of the firm are John Tilley, S.E. Montague and C.F. Tilley. All have a high standing in the business world. The senior member of the firm has a large farm in Granby, which he makes his home. Thence come some notable small fruits which are worthy remark, both for size and quality. From that region too, he brings perhaps the earliest and finest trout caught in Hampden county, trophies of his skill as a fisherman. Mr. Tilley deals largely in wood and woodland and real estate for building purposes. Recently he has purchased a handsome site on Northampton street in Holyoke, where he proposes soon to build a permanent home for himself. He owns the large block on High street, in part occupied by the Home National and Savings banks, in the former of which he is a director. Mr. Tilley served in the late war, and in 1882 his fellow citizens honored him with a term in the Legislature.
Business Block of John Tilley & Co.,
High Street, Holyoke.
A Bedroom Set at Tilley’s Furniture Store.
The Holyoke Transcript
The Transcript Block.
The Holyoke Transcript is the oldest paper in Holyoke, both in its weekly and daily editions. The weekly Transcript received its name from its owners, Burt & Lyman, in 1863, who at that time purchased the old Holyoke Freeman, that had come up by slow gradations from birth as the Hampden Union in 1849. Like all pioneer newspapers in new towns it was a "struggle for existence," and many times there were great hunts for the "missing link" to keep the chain of life unbroken. The Transcript’s real success dates with the proprietorship of W.S. Loomis that began in 1869, and continued to January 1, 1888. The Daily Transcript was started by Loomis & Dwight, October 9, 1882. It was the first daily paper Holyoke ever had and has ever been a healthy enterprise. It has been enlarged three times in this decade.
The Windsor Hotel
The Windsor Hotel.
A.H.A. Mortimer.
Holyoke is in no respect behind cities of her size as to hotel accommodations, and the Windsor Hotel, built by Wm. Whiting but a few years since, will compare more than favorably with many houses in the large cities. A.H.A. Mortimer, the present landlord, succeeds H.C. Ferguson, and has a reputation as manager for some of the best houses in the country.
He has held the position of steward in the Hygeia Hotel at Point Comfort, Va., at the St. James Hotel, Jacksonville and Ocean House, Swampscott. He was superintendent of the Eastern Yacht Club of Massachusetts, at Marblehead; the Tiffin and Yacht Clubs of Boston, and has an excellent record generally as purveyor to the wants of the traveling fraternity. The house has all the conveniences of the times, sample rooms, etc., and patrons will find a free carriage at the depot.
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