Holyoke's Cemeteries
It is not every city that can take pride in its cemeteries. That Holyoke's cemeteries are of exceptional beauty and cared for in a manner that reflects high credit upon those in charge is witnessed to by every visitor who is given opportunity to view them.
Oldest in the point in time is the Elmwood cemetery on Northampton street, which goes back to the early part of the eighteenth century when Holyoke was not on the map to any appreciable extent. Among the curious stones in this yard is one that relates how a young man was "killed casually" while hunting; and through the stone is drilled a hole, presumably, typifies the bullet that caused his death.
Forestdale Cemetery.
The most attractive cemetery is the forestdale Cemetery. Views in this cemetery appear in this article and include the fine Whiting and Skinner memorials.
The Forestdale Cemetery Association was organized November 1, 1880. Soon after, twenty-four and one-half acres of land were puchased and the work of laying out the cemetery was commenced, being under the joint charge of William Grover and the president of the association, Jones S. Davis. In 1862 the work was completed, and on the 22d of June the cemetery was dedicated. It is situated about a mile from the center of the city and is entered from Cabot street. The following are officers of the Association: President, W.S. Loomis; secretary and treasurer, Charles W. Johnson; office, 201 High street; trustees, W.S. Loomis, L.F. Hayward, W.H. Abbott, S.S. Rogers, E.W. Chapin, M.W. Prentiss, Henry L. Russell, H.O. Hastings, J.A. Skinner, R.C. Winchester; auditors, W.F. Bachelder, I.E. Sawyer; superintendent, W.S. Loomis; sexton, F.G. Bartlett.
Calvary Cemetery.
This cemeter, located on Northampton street, adjoining the old Baptist Cemetery, was consecrated March 20, 1882, by Bishop O'Reilly, and the new part October 18, 1908, by Rt. Rev. Bishop Beaven. It contains fourteen acres, the grounds being laid out under the direction of A.B. Tower, civil engineer. There is no association in charge,, it being held in fee sumple by the Bishop of the Diocese. Superintendent, Rev. P.B. Phelan.
St. Jerome's Cemetery.
This cemetery is located on St. Jerome avenue. There is no association connected with it, the property being held as a corporation sole by the Bishop of the Diocese. The cemetery contains twelve acres and was purchased in 1864. Superintendent, The Rt. Reverend Pastor of St. Jerome's Church; sexton, Timothy Connor.
French Roman Catholic Cemetery.
This cemetery, located on the Granby Plains, though properly not in Holyoke, is yet under the control of the church here, and may be called a Holyoke institution. It was opened for use in 1875. It contains four acres. There is no association in charge, it being held in fee simple by the Bishop. Superintendent, Rev. Charles Crevier.
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