Holyoke's Societies and Clubs, Page 1
Mt. Tom Golf Club
Holyoke is particularly rich in clubs, societies, and fraternal organizations of various kinds, and their total membership is surprisingly large. Space does not permit us to picture only a few of the many clubhouses or more than outline the organizations that are so numerous and prosperous. Below is briefly sketched the outline of the organizations of the kind in the Paper City.
The Holyoke Lodge No. 902, B.F.O.E.
Founded April 11, 1904, and has a present total membership of 439. The meetings are held the first and third Wednesdays of each month at Wakelin hall. The full list of officers is as follows: Exalted Knight, Walter D. Hanley; leading knight, Timothy J. Lynch; loyal knight, Abram H. Topham; lecturing knight, David F. Allyn; secretary, James J. Murray; treasurer, George E. Clarenbach; tiler, Jacob Kuss; esquire, Willlis D. Ballard; inner guard, Karl B. Koehler; organist, Charles Van Volkinburg; trustees, Mark B. Carpenter, Roger P. Donoghue, John R. Harrington.
Holyoke Lodge of Odd Fellows.
Founded in 1849. The charter was surrendered in 1854 and reinstituted March 3, 1875. The present total membership is 346. The meetings are held Tuesday evenings in Odd Fellows Hall, 243 High street. The full list of officers is as follows: N.G., Elmer J. Johnson; V.G., Albert S. Wilder; recording secretary, Charles S. Roberts; financial secretary, Leroy F. Avery; treasurer, J. Howard Howes; warden, David W. Lockart; con., Clarence R. Kingsbury; chaplain, Henry Holley; R.S.S., Percy Cummings; L.S.S., Theodore Vandenberg; R.S. of N.G., Leroy Goman; L.S. of N.G., William P. Morris; R.S. of V.G., Fred P. Dupee; L.S. of V.G., Ernest F. Stedman; I.G., George H. Bridges; O.S., Nelson H. Barrett.
The Mt. Nonotuck Colony No. 116.
Founded October 4, 1888, and has a total membership of 230. The regular meetings are held the first and third Tuesdays of each month in Grand Army Hall, High street. The full list of officers is as follows: Ex-governor, Christopher Keens; governor, Mrs. Lillian E.A. Ellis; lieutenant governor, Mrs. Clara J. Tolman; secretary, Harry Crosby; treasurer, Mrs. Ida R. Babcock; collector, Mrs. Anna Crosby; chaplain, Miss Nellie F. Luby; sergeant at arms, Edith A. Hildreth; deputy at arms, Mrs. Laura A. Rider; sentinal, inner door, Marshall Gare; sentinal, outer door, Mrs. Mabel A. Smith; per. member to sup. Colony, Harry Crosby; medical examiner, Dr. Frank A. Woods.
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