The Holyoke Aerie No. 400 of the Fraternal Order of Eagles.
Founded June 10, 1903, and has a total membership of 325. The meetings are held the second and fourth Mondays of each month in Eagles Hall, Wakelin Building. The full list of officers is as follows: P.W.P., G.H. Hamel, W. president, E.Mew; W. chaplain, M. Cooper; secretary, D.F. Mullin; treasurer, E.W. Kroepel; inside guard, W.J. Hopwood; outside guard, M.M. Tanguay; W. conductor, D. Clairmont; trustees, R.D. Moore; P.W.P., W.H. McIntee, and J.F. Griffin, P.W.P.; Aerie physician, Dr. John Hughes.
The Sorel Conclave No. 622 of the Order of Heptasophs.
Founded January 18, 1899, and has a membership of 204. Meetings are held the first and third Wednesdays of each month in Monument National Hall. The list of officers is as follows: Archon, Yldege Lavoie; provost, Joachim Quenneville; prelate, E. Chaput; secretary, Joseph H. Soutiere, financier, C.R. Moreau; treasurer, O. Charbonneau; inspector, D. Robidoux; sentinel, M. Arbours; warden, F. Smith; trustees, A.J. Labrecque, F. Smith, and W. Lamagdelaine; sick visitors, H. Daigle and D. Robidoux; physician, H.E. Chaput.
The Isabella Court, M.C.O.F., No. 112.
Founded February 3, 1895, and has a present total membership of 285. Meetings are held the first and third Tuesdays of each month in Wakelin Hall. The full list of officers is as follows: Past chief ranger, Mary A. Greene; chief ranger, Margaret McCormick; treasurer, Margaret E. Clark; recording secretary, Emma S. Greene; financial secretary, Nellie T. McLean.
The Willimansett Club.
Organized August 6, 1906, and has a present total membership of 322. The meetings are held at the corner of Bridge and Emerson streets. The full list of officers is as follows: D.C. Amnotte, president; James Thomson, vice-president; T. Delude, treasurer; Henry Lavalle, clerk.
The Police Relief Association.
Founded November 11, 1902, and has a total membership of 68. Meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month in the Police Court Room, City Hall. The list of officers is as follows: President, Richard Peters; vice-president, James Malcolm; treasurer, Patrick F. Ryan; secretary, George W. O'Connell.
The Christian Industrial League of the Second Congregational Church.
Founded May 12, 1895. The total member ship is 120. The meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month except July and August. The full list of officers is as follows: President, William A. Allyn; vice-president, W.A. Pearson; treasurer, John B. Bronson; secretary, David McBride; assistant secretary, George S. Young; physician, Dr. A.B. Wetherell.
The Holyoke Ward Two Independent Club.
Founded 1892, and incorporated April 20, 1893. The present total membership is 300. The meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 547 (1/2) South Bridge street. The full list of officers is as follows: President, William Bolduc; vice-president; Ulderic Blanchard, recording secretary, Napoleon Meunier; financial secretary, R.O. Lamagdelaine; treasurer, E.A. LaPlate; trustees, Fortuna Labrecque, Frederic Hamelin, Rock Boutin; sergeant at arms, Edouard Robillard.
St. Jerome's F.A.M.B. and L. Society.
Founded in 1869. The present total membership is 382. Meetings are held every Sunday at 6:30 p.m., in St. Jerome Hall. The full list of officers is as follows: Spiritual director, Rev. Daniel T. Devine; president, Urban Fleming; vice-president, James P. Rohan; financial secretary, John P. Shea; treasurer, George Fitzgerald; recording secretary, John M. Shea; corresponding secretary, Edward La Brecque; marshal, P.A. Shea; sergeant at arms, John Kane; board of government, James Long, Edward Greaney, P. O'Connor, John Garvey, Thomas Scanlon; physician, Dr. W.J. Teahan; librarian, Arthur John O'Leary; janitor, William F. Roche.
The Holyoke Caledonian Benefit Club, Inc.
Founded in 1875. It has a total membership of 400. The meetings are held the second and fourth Saturdays in the Caledonian Building, 189 High street. The full list of officers is as follows: President, John Tait; vice-president, Alexander Craighead; corresponding secretary, Daniel McDonald; financial secretary, William A. Robertson ; treasurer, John Brown; property trustees, Donald Cameron, William Wilson, and William Black; relief trustees, D.S. Aitchison, John Aitken, Sr., John Aitken, Jr.; standard bearers, David Stewart, Walter Simpson; warden, William McPherson; henchman, George Cunningham; chaplain, John Crowe; piper, James Robbie; auditors, C.C. Hunter, R.P. Porteous, Alexander Ellis, Dr. Stanley Cox.
The Robert Morris Chapter Eastern Star.
Founded April 29, 1896. The present total membership is 208. Meetings are held the second Monday in the month in Masonic Hall, High street. The full list of officers is as follows: Worthy matron, Susie Van Riper; worthy patron, Frank Murray; associate matron, Annie Sinclair; secretary, Christiana Buchanan; treasurer, Mary Street; conductress, Elizabeth Cowie; assistant conductress, Henrietta Durant.