Ancient Order of Hibernians. Division Number 1.
Founded in February 1872. The regular meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month, first Sunday after the 20th, at A.O.H. Hall, corner of Front and John streets. The full list of officers is as follows: President, P.J. Dowd; recording secretary, Patrick Shea; financial secretary, John Mannix; treasurer, James Joyce.
Division Number 9.
Founded February 19, 1899. The regular meetings are held the first Sunday and third Tuesday of each month at A.O.H. Hall, corner of Front and John streets. The full list of officers is as follows: President, James J. O'Brien; recording secretary, Peter Moylan; financial secretary, Garrett Bowler; treasurer, Michael Neary.
Division Number 10.
Founded June 7, 1903. The regular meetings are held the first Tuesday and third Sunday of each month at A.O.H. Hall. The full list of officers is as follows: President, John J. O'Donnell; treasurer, James M. Sullivan; financial secretary, James Ash; recording secretary, John S. Begley.
Division Number 11.
The regular meetings are held on the second Sunday and fourth Friday of each month at A.O.H. Hall, at the corner of Front and John streets. The full list of officers is as follows: President, John T. O'Donnell; recording secretary, Michael J. Fahey; financial secretary, John J. Ward; treasurer, John C. Moriarty.
The G.A.R. Post.
Founded November 25, 1868, and has a present total member ship of 81. The meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in G.A.R. Hall, 283 High street. The full list of officers is as follows: Commander, Arthur M. Cain; S.V.A., W.H. Abbott; J.V.C., H.C. Tennant; agent, Charles Ely; R.M., Harry Crosby; surgeon, H.A. King; chaplain, Albert Loring; O.D., George E. Whitaker; O.G., P.A. Streeter; P.B., J. Howard Smith; S.M., J. Howard Smith; Q.M.S., R.B. Corbett.
Ingleside Boat Club Association.
Founded July 10, 1907, as Bey Club; name changed November 7, 1908. Incorporated May 17, 1910. Meetings held the second Monday of each month. The full list of officers is as follows: President, Leonard Eichstaedt; vice-president, Hector R. Brouillet; financial secretary, Paul E. Theilig; recording secretary, George W. Sutliffe; treasurer, Alfred Schenker; trustees, Leonard Eichstaedt; Charles W. Doerpholz, Max Karth, and Emil Englehardt. It has a membership of fifty.
The Sons of St. George.
Founded June 10, 1876, and has a total membership of 183. The meetings are held the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month in Old Fellows Hall, High street. The full list of officers is as follows: President, Frank Beardsell; vice-president, Fred Wigglesworth; secretary, George A. Sorton; treasurer, John H. Moxon; assistant secretary, Ernest Craven; messenger, James Partington; assistant messenger, Oscar Priestley; chaplain, Edmond Robinson; inside sentinal, Albert Faucett; outside sentinal, John Nelson; trustees, Robert Taylor, David Moxon, James Parfitt.
The Massasoit Commandery No.273, A. and I.O.K. of M.
Founded January 31, 1900, and has a present total membership of 145. The meetings are held on the second and fourth Fridays of each month in Odd Fellows Hall. The full list of officers is as follows: Commander, John M. Prilay; generalissimo, Luicius Person; captain general, Nelson Barrett; prelate, S.V. Fales; recorder, Thomas Halket; assistant recorder, George Cramer; treasurer, Arthur E. Snow; senior warden, H.F. Howard; junior warden, Gustaf Larson; sword bearer, Otto Hanson; standard bearer, William Clements; first guard, John Crowe; second guard, Edward Cramer; warden, John Baker; sentinal, Robert D. Innes.