Holyoke High School Yearbook
Robert Carroll
A.A., Math., Phi Alpha, Dramatic, S.C.
A few meager words cannot express our appreciation for "Bob" Carroll. He deserves more praise than we are capable of giving him. During his high school years "Bob" has proved to us that he has ambition. He has made his "letters" in athletics for football and basketball. This year he was captain of our famous basketball team.
"To excel is to live." —Beranger.
Alexander Cathro
Phi Alpha.
See that streak flashing by? That's Alex going to class. He dashes through the halls as though her were being chased for skipping periods. Such is not the case, however, for "Alec" is stern and steadfast. Individuals such as "Alec the Crate" are never forgotten by their hosts of friends.
"Come and trip it as you go." —Milton.
Kenneth Chalmers
A.A., Math., Phi Alpha.
"Ken," perhaps, is not quite as well known as some of the others in the class. But he is just as friendly and just as good-natured as any. "Ken" never misses a social function, whether it is a club meeting or a dance. We all envy him his calmness and his even temper., and wish we could be as contented as he.
"I would rather obey than work miracles." —Luther.
Newman Clapp
A.A., Math., Phi Alpha.
Newman has gained the name of being a mathematical shark and well does he deserve it. As president of the Mathematics Club he made that organization a great success this year. Newman doesn't say much and doesn't seem too boisterous. But Newman thinks and knows much, and the friends he has know that he has the qualities that make the best and dearest of friends.
"Great thoughts, like great deeds, need no trumpet." —Bailey.
Warren Clark
Phi Alpha.
Warren loves to smile! It must be this that has gained him his many friends in H.H.S. He is always happy, always agreeable, always ready to follow another's lead. He likes his school and he likes his fun.
"You hear that boy laughing? You think he's all fun;
But the angels laugh, too, at the good he has done." —Holmes.
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