Holyoke High School Yearbook
Isadore Cohen
Phi Alpha, Spanish.
Here is the distinguished tackle of our football team! Football isn't the only activity "Izzy" enthuses over. He is a star member of the Spanish Club. He has also distinguished himself in another line. He is the only real "woman-hater" in the class of 1924. Will-power - - we'll say!
"Men of few words are the best men!" —Shakespeare.
James Crean
Phi Alpha.
"Icca" is our class president, a boy capable of holding the office if there ever was one capable. We elected "Icca" because he was bright, because he was a leader, and because he could set a good example. And he has fulfilled our expectations. The entire student body has found his decisions wise, his ever-noticeable influence good, hbis example worthy of being followed.
"The salutary influence of example." —Johnson.
Ralph Day
Math., Phi Alpha.
Ralph doesn't believe in having to do any more work than he has to. Though studies were always a bore to him, nevertheless he kept them up as best he could. But Ralph is a good sport. He is always ready to do his best to help others, as well as himself to have a good time. If he wants to do a thing, he will spend time and effort on it, until he finally has just what he wants.
"Why should life all labor be?"
Eugene Davis
A.A., Math., Phi Alpha, Dramatic.
It seems to be a hobby of "Gene's" to be in the center of things. He was center on our football team and whenever you wanted him, you would usually find him in the center of an admiring group of girls. "Gene" is quite at home on the stage. He took part in the Dramatic Club play, which speaks well for his ability in that line, but we will never forget him as Orlando in "As You Like It."
"As good be out of the world as out of fashion." —Cibber.
Paul Diliberto
Phi Alpha
Paul is a quiet and studious chap who makes friends easily and keeps them more easily. The library was always his most favorite haunt. This accounts for his great love for reading and his greater love for talking. Paul makes an interesting companion, for he always has the latest news to talk over.
"To those who know thee not, no words can paint!" —More.
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