Holyoke High School Yearbook
Edward Doyle
Phi Alpha.
"Doylie" is one of those good-natured fellows everyone enjoys having around. True to the saying, his smile has gone a long, long way. "Doylie" is a man of few words, but many thoughts. His friends all respect the sterling qualities he possesses. You can't think of "Eddie" without realizing what a splendid chap he is.
"Can we ever have too much of a good thing?" — Cervantes.
John E. Driscoll
A.A., French, Math., Phi Alpha.
Behold in John Driscoll one of the greatest orators of Holyoke High School. He is a speaker of note. He can defend himself in an argument or can play a Shakespearean role. He is also one of that illustrious club which delves into the mysteries of photography. Nothing remains a mystery to John, however.
"This was the noblest Roman of them all!" — Shakespeare.
John Dwyer
A.A., Phi Alpha.
John has hustled so through his High School years that he has not given us enough time or opportunity to take good note of him. We know, however, that John was never forced to worry when those report cards came out. John is a safe and sure fellow who can find time for everything. He firmly believes that all great men must relax and play, consequently John's recreational hours are strictly observed.
"Too busy with the crowded hour to fear to live or die." — Emerson.
Alvah Eaton
A.A., Phi Alpha.
Alvah is a quiet sort of chap, but at times he is far from the state of calmness. His ready laugh and good-natured ways have secured many friends for him. Alvah has brightened up more than one tedious period and our best wished for the future are his.
"Better a good friend than silver of gold." — Ges.
George Ellert
A.A., Phi Alpha.
Another one of our football men, George Ellert! George has been a great asset to the team. Yes, to the class. When George Ellert entered the class we knew he was a man to be depended upon and we regarded him as an asset. In truth, we have not been disappointed. He has lived up to all our expectations.
"We have an intuitive sense of our duty." — Swift.
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