Holyoke High School Yearbook
Oscar Felsentreger
A.A., Math., Phi Alpha.
The class of '24 will lose an all-around good fellow when "Osca" graduates. He is our class treasurer, and a good one at that. Not only is "Osca" a good financier, but he was on both the basketball and football teams. When Oscar is asked to do a thing, he does it quickly and he does it well.
"A villain with a smiling cheek." — Shakespeare.
William Fleming
A.A., Phi Alpha.
And now we come to "Bill" Fleming! "Bill" is noted for his splendid achievements on the swimming team. His presence upon the team has been a great help in the victories which it has enjoyed. "Bill" is a jolly, good fellow, and we all admire him. His policy is to tend to his own affairs and to allow others to say what they will.
"What comes from this corner set it down as so much gain." — Terence.
Daniel Fogarty
A.A., Phi Alpha.
You all know "Dan" Fogarty. He is a very famous person. "Dan" was one of our football men, and also played on the basketball and baseball teams. "Dan" is not noisy, but is well-known and well-liked by all '24. He has done much to make '24 the famous class that it is, and we appreciate his spirit in being ever-ready and anxious to participate in anything for which he is called upon.
"There's something more in this than meets the eye." — Shaw.
Felix Fournier
A.A., French, Classical, Phi Alpha.
Here is one of our best-natured, humorous boys, who is well-liked in our class. He is full of life and very enthusiastic about all school affairs. The humorous side of his nature was shown at one of the last French Club meetings. Here he read some humorous poems in a very entertaining and amusing way. We were all surprised when we heard his clever imitation of the French dialect.
"Humor is the spice of kings' courts." — Mandeville.
Paul Gallo
Phi Alpha.
Paul is a genuine good fellow, and always appreciates a good joke, no matter whom it is about. Paul can generally be found asking about English homework that F. B. hands out so nicely. Paul follows up all the games and gets inside the door, somehow or other. Paul has always been loyal to every school activity, and we feel sure he will be loyal to whatever profession he enters.
"His bark is worse than his bite." — Herbert.
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