625 Choice Recipes from the
Ladies of the Second Congregational Church of Holyoke

Pfaltzgraff Flower Market 4-Piece Dinnerware Set



Never let beef tea boil; always begin with cold water; the finer the beef is cut the better; there should be no fat, gristle or bones adhering to the meat; the proper proportion of beef and water, is a pound to a pint; beef tea that "jellies" when cold has not been properly made. After being made, carefully remove from the surface all traces of fat. To "warm up" beef tea, put it in a cup, and set the cup in a vessel of boiling water. — Dr. J. U. Woods.

Pour one pint of cold water over one pound of finely minced, lean beef; stir, and allow to stand one hour; place the vessel containing beef in another vessel of water to boil one hour; flavor with salt as desired.— Dr. J. M. Patten.

Take a piece of beef cut from the round; take off every particle of fat; then cut it into pieces about an inch square and put into cold water, in proportion of a pint to the pound; after standing half an hour in an earthen jar set it on the fire and boil slowly five minutes; strain it; add salt and black pepper if desired. — Ella M. Davis, M. D.

To get all of the virtue of the meat, the following mode of preparing it is best: — Take one pound of fresh meat; cut very fine; soak in one-third of a quart of cold water over night; in the morning remove the meat, saving the water in which it has soaked; put the meal into, two-thirds of a quart of water, and let it simmer for two hours, keeping the water up to its original level by replacing what is lost by evaporation; now pour the, beef-broth into the cold liquor in which the meat was soaked, squeezing the meat as dry as possible. The meat which remains should be spread on a tin plate and slowly dried in an open oven; when perfectly dry it can easily be reduced to a powder in a mortar; mix this meat powder in the liquor, and you have all the elements of the meat in a fluid form; salt to taste, and add twenty drops of muriatic acid and three grains of pepsin. — Dr. J. U. Woods.

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