Mount Tom Lodge, Holyoke, MA
History of 100 Years

Freemasons For Dummies

William Grover

Worshipful Brother William Grover was an outstanding member of the Fraternity and served as Master in 1868 and 1869. In addition he was the first High Priest of Mount Holyoke Royal Arch Chapter under the Charter, and held that office during 1866, 1867, 1868, 1871 and 1872. He was also the first Thrice Illustrious Master of Holyoke Council, Royal and Select Masters. He was an immense power for the upbuilding of the Order and was held in high esteem. The resolutions adopted at the time of his death in 1889 are indicative of that fact.

"Mount Torn Lodge desires to express its sincere affection and respect for one of its most prominent and efficient members, who has so freely given of his time, ability and means, for the good of the Craft and the upbuilding of our Lodge."

"That we cherish the memory of our deeply. lamented Brother in the light of his many virtues and that we emulate the high example of his life, character and sterling integrity; kind, courteous, affectionate, and sympathetic as a man and friend, conscientious and charitable, as a Brother Mason, the Craft and this community loses an honored, faithful and beloved Brother and citizen."

—Wor. Lewis M. Richards

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