Mount Tom Lodge, Holyoke, MA
History of 100 Years

Masonic cufflinks

Wilfred Reed

One man may be able by a stroke of the pen to sign a check giving largely to a Masonic project, another may, by his silver-tongued oratory bold an audience spell-bound while he extolls the principles of Masonry and the wonderful teachings of our ritual which, referring to Relief, says "to soothe the unhappy, sympathize with their misfortunes, compassionate their miseries, and restore peace to their troubled minds, is the grand aim we have in view." A Mason who can do this is, indeed, a Mason. Such a man is Wilfred Reed who, though quite advanced in years and without transportation other than his own good legs, travels the length and breadth of the community, calling on the sick, the aged and the shut-ins, giving them a hearty handshake, a word of kindlv greeting and making them feel they are not entirely forgotten by at least one of their Masonic brothers. Some day the Grand Lodge may cause to be cast a medal to be bestowed upon such a Mason. A medal more precious than any thus far bestowed for surely such service is rare. Any lodge that has such a member is to be congratulated.

Wilfred Reed is a valued member of our Lodge and we are not unappreciative of his wonderful service.

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