The Chemical Paper Company.
This is one of the largest paper concerns in the city of Holyoke, and the largest of its kind in the world. Starting with a capital of $80,000 in 1880, the pressure of business soon made an increase to $250,000 necessary. The premises cover 21 acres of ground and about 160,000 square feet of floor space are used. Sixteen mill powers are used and the average daily product of the mill is twenty-eight tons of paper. Some days the product goes up to forty tons, of the higher class of manilla writing, envelope, and lithographic papers. The Company’s fine line of colored patent wrappings and cover papers are probably unsurpassed. It is continually bringing out novelties in the paper line, and the enterprise and sagacity of its founders are extended and far-seeing. The treasurer of the company, Moses Newton, is interested in other paper manufacturing properties at Holyoke; in the National Metal Edge Box Company, at Readsboro, Vt.; is a large real estate owner in Holyoke, Vermont, and elsewhere; is part owner with his brothers in, and superintendent of, the Hoosac Tunnel and Wilmington railroad, which line has opened a hitherto undeveloped, but certain soon to be developed, region of the country, and to "make that wilderness blossom like the rose." The enterprise of the Newton brothers has been far-reaching and beneficent, and if in such a publication as this it could not be alluded to thus incidentally--in spite of the modesty of those gentlemen--hardly and place would be appropriate for it.
The officers of the Chemical company are: John C. Newton, president; James Kirkham, vice-president; Moses Newton, treasurer; William B. Harding, secretary; and they have an assistant in the person of Superintendent James Phillips.
The Newton Paper Company.
This company owns the only mill of its kind in Holyoke, and one of the largest in the country, making building paper, patent corrugated carpet lining felt and heavy wrapping paper.
The company organized in 1876, with a capital of $24,000, which has since been increased to $72,000. At present the company requires about six mill powers of the Water Power Company and runs three steam engines. It employs sixty hands besides office employes and averages a product of fifteen tons of paper a day.
The company has such a high standing in the market that there is a constant demand for all the paper it can make, and its reputation for goods of superior texture is known all over the country. Its present officers are: President, Moses Newton; vice-president, James Ramage; treasurer, George A. Clark.
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