Rules and Regulations of the School Committee — 1927

The Politics of Leadership


Rule 1. Teachers shall aim at such discipline in their schools as would be exercised by a kind, judicious parent in his family. Corporal punishment shall not be administered except in extreme cases where all other means of correction fail, and then only by the principal. Such punishment shall be administered on the hands of the offender, and on no other part of the body; nor shall it be administered in the presence of any other pupil.

Rule 2. A record of every case of corporal punishment shall be kept by the principal and shall contain the name and age of the pupil punished, the date and nature of the offence, and the severity of the punishment.

Rule 3. Pupils suspended by a principal using the power of suspension shall not be reinstated without the written approval of the Superintendent. Any pupil suspended for immoral conduct shall not be reinstated without permission of the Superintendent and the full Board.

No pupil under suspension in one school shall be admitted to another school.

Rule 4. No pupil shall be expelled from any school except after a hearing before the Board at which said pupil may present his case. No pupil expelled, shall be readmitted save by two-thirds vote of the Board.

Rule 5. If any scholar shall wilfully deface, defile or otherwise injure any school house, desks, furniture, fixtures, books, apparatus, out-buildings or fences, a written notice shall be sent to the parent or guardian; compensation shall be made or the injury repaired; and due punishment shall he administered. If compensation is refused or neglected the pupil shall be suspended and the matter referred to the Board for action.

Rule 6. Teachers shall discipline pupils for irregular attendance, tardiness, and truancy. Absence by permission of the parent or guardian of the pupil is not an offence punishable at school, but when the absence is of such frequency and extent as to lower the pupil's standing in scholarship, or to retard the work and progress of the school, the Superintendent may place such a pupil in a lower class or grade of the school. If the irregular attendance continues he shall report the case to the Board, which may suspend the pupil from school until satisfactory assurances ore given by the parent or guardian of regular attendance on the part of the pupil.

Rule 7. No regular pupil shall be detained after the close of the morning session. nor longer than one-half hour after the close of the afternoon session for purposes of study or discipline. Pupils of the High School shall return for afternoon sessions whenever requested to do so by the teachers.

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