The Nonotuck Council of Royal Arcanum No. 98.
Founded June 5, 1878, and has a present total membership of 128. The regular meetings are held in Wakelin Hall, the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. The full list of officers is as follows: Regent, William T. Lambert; vice regent, Timothy J. Cronin; orator, George O. Kellogg; secretary Charles D. Colson; treasurer, John J. Byrnes; guide, Charles W. Duston; warden, John Sullivan; collector, Thomas W. Doyle; trustees, John Sheridan, Maurice Fitzgerald, James McTearnen.
The Order Brith Abraham, Paper City Lodge, No. 203.
Founded May 26, 1896, and has a present and total membership of 121. Meetings are held the second and fourth Sundays of each month in Zion Hall. The full list of officers is as follows: President, Jacob Rubin; vice-president, Joseph Saltman; treasurer, Joseph Gerstein; secretary, Henry Levenson, trustees, Max Abrams, Hyman Postoff, Louis Greene.
The The Mt. Tom Lodge, F. & A.M.
Founded March 14, 1850. The present total membership is 550. Regular meetings are held every Friday in Masonic Hall, 180 High street. The full list of officers is as follows: W.M., Charles E. Alderman; S.W., Oliver W. Adams; J.W., Robert Gillette; treasurer, Archibald A. Brooks; secretary, Herbert G. Rose; chaplain, Andrew Purvis; Mar., Joseph Collingwood; S.D., Daniel W. Williamson; J.D., Raymond W. Gero; S.S., George Barnett, Jr.; J.S., G. Edgar Bosworth; I.S., Robert W. Hunter; organist, Thomas C. Auld, Lewis M. Richards.
The Union St. Jean-Baptiste d'Amerique, Council No. 1.
Founded in 1887. It has a total membership of 560. The meetings are held the first and third Tuesdays of each month in Monument Hall. The full list of officers is as follows: President, J.H. Fleury; vice-president, L. Sabourin; secretary, Joseph H. Soutiere; assistant secretary, A. Gregroire; finance, C.R. Moreau; treasurer, Joseph A. Beauchemin; trustees, A.P. Barre and J.B. Lapointe; physician, W.G. Deroin, doyen, E. Cadieux; H.P., O. Yoseau; Y. of C., F.Y. Monat; 1st C.O., F. Dufras; 2d C.O., P. Fournier; S.N., M. Goulet; S.V., A. Lamson.
The I.C.S. Fraternity of the World Chapter No. 146.
Founded December 1, 1911, and has a present total membership of 96. The meetings are held the first and last Tuesdays of each month in Rooms 711-712, Smith Building. The full list of officers is as follows: President, Walter L. Hamilton; first vice-president, Ralph Beauchard; second vice-president, Andrew Gendron; treasurer, Ambross P. Brown; secretary, John W. Fogg; executive committee composed of the officers and the following members: Henry Tessier, Thomas Smalley, George Batterby, George Hebert, William Lavey, Jr., Roy MacMenigall.
The Glenwood Rebekah Lodge.
Instituted November 4, 1891, and has a total membership of 220. The meetings are held the first and third Wednesdays of each month in Odd Fellows Hall. The full list of officers is as follows: Noble grand, Mrs. Lily M. Nobles; vice-grand, Mrs. Annie B. Vandenburg; recording secretary, Mrs. Mary L. Metcalf; financial secretary, Mrs. Jennie F. Allen; treasurer, Mrs. Lillie M. Perry.
The Teutonic Lodge, No. 1, O.D.H.A.
Founded November 18, 1889, and has a present total membership of 143. The meetings are held the first and third Thursdays of each month at 629 Summer street. The full list of officers is as follows: President, Frank Marten; vice-president, Henry Reiher; secretary, Ernest Brocker; financial secretary, Emil Bilz; treasurer, August Lehmann; sergeant at arms, Max Peterhansel.
The Holyoke Medical Association.
Founded November 14, 1900, and has a total membership of 53. The meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month in Marble Hall Hotel. The full list of officers is as follows: President, Dr. George L. Taylor; secretary-treasurer, Dr. Fred H. Allen; vice-president, Dr. F.A. Mead; executive committee, Dr. J.H. Potts, Dr. J.J. Carroll, Dr. E.J. Miller.
The Clan MacLaren, No. 144, Order of Scottish Clans.
Founded January 12, 1898, and has a total membership of 147. Meetings are held the first and third Fridays of each month in the American Order of Odd Fellows Hall. The full list of officers is as follows: Chief, David Coutts; past chief, James Lees; tanist, James Weir; chaplain, James Pratt; recording secretary, Alexander D. Pratt; financial secretary, Alexander S. Williamson; treasurer, John Mcr. Henderson; senior henchman, Robert Ironside; junior henchman, Gardner Fletcher; senschal, Forbes Young; warden, James Young; sentinel, Thomas Thompson.
The Holyoke Master Plumbers Association.
Founded in 1899, and has a present membership of 19. Meetings are held the second Friday of each month in the Board of Trade Rooms. The list of officers is as follows: President, Thomas J. Carmody; vice-president D.J. Bowler; treasurer, F.H. Revett; secretary, Archibald Cuthbertson.
The Traffic Bureau of the Holyoke Board of Trade.
Founded April 1, 1912, and has a present total membership of 43. The meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month in the Board of Trade Rooms. The full list of officers is a s follows: President, Jesse E. Sheldon; vice-president, R.F. McElwain; treasurer, E.R. Root; traffic manager, P.J. Dowd; Henry C. Avery, S.E. Whiting.