Mount Tom Lodge, Holyoke, MA
History of 100 Years

Famous Masons

Unusual Occurrences

Some things have happened during the past one hundred years that have seldom if ever happened in any other Masonic Lodge in Massachusetts. They are unusual enough to merit special attention.

There are not too many instances of father, son and grandson being at various times members of the same lodge. We know of no other case where all three have been Masters of the Lodge.

Charles C. Hunter served as Master in 1883, 1884 and 1885. In 1920 his son, Robert W. Hunter was Master. In 1932 Allen S. Hunter and in 1933 Robert M. Hunter, both grandsons of Charles C. and sons of Robert W. were Masters of the Lodge.

Rt. Wor. Robert Gillette and his son, Rt. Wor. Char1es M. Gillette, are Past Masters of the same lodge, which is rather unusual, but most unusual — in fact the Grand Secretary says he knows of no similar instance in the history of Massachusetts Masonry — is the fact that they are both Past District Deputy Grand Masters of the same district. Both are still actively interested in the lodge.

There have been seven Bower borthers, members of the lodge, William, Finley, James, Thomas, David, Joseph and George.

When George was raised his six brothers were invited to fill the chairs and would have been allowed to occupy the East had Masonic law permitted. This occasion was Jan. 31, 1914. Wor. Bro. Goodwin, Past Master of Philharmonic Lodge of Marblehead, assisted in the work. It was a grand evening.

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